Contents tagged with Rapid Application Development

  • A Wrap Signature Means so Much More

    Tags: Rapid Application Development

    The problem with signatures on paper forms is their lack of integrity. Is it legible? Is it forged? Did you complete everything correctly before signing? Are you competent to sign (who checks your qualifications or your level of authority)? Is the date correct or has it been retrospectively … more

  • Wrap Widgets - Beyond Excel Functionality

    Tags: Widgets, Barcode, Rapid Application Development

    “When making Type A of a product I need to collect 10 items of information but if we are making Type B only 8 of the 10 items are relevant. Can one Wrap be used for the two products so that I only need to maintain one version?” Wraps use the Row Hide Widget so that when a linked cell changes from … more

  • Wraps Working With Barcodes

    Tags: Barcode, Rapid Application Development

    This article tells you how to gain efficiencies from barcodes using tablets and smartphones. Imagine never again will serial numbers be entered incorrectly into a wrap and it will cost you nothing at all. The most compatible barcode app to use with ExcelWraps is the Manatee Barcode app which is … more

  • Pill for ERP Headaches?

    Tags: ERP, Rapid Application Development

    Research shows that the top problems encountered with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software are cost and inflexibility. ERP systems are generally imposed from a corporate level and become an immovable constraint on the whole business. ExcelWraps, only requiring users to know Excel, puts  … more

  • Life is Too Short for Software Specifications

    Tags: Rapid Application Development

    When you need software you need to communicate your requirements to a programmer. This usually requires some kind of Software Requirements Specification and to give you some idea of what it covers see below... on second thoughts don't read it - throw Software Requirements Specifications in the bin! … more

  • Andy Armstrong Wrap Creator

    Tags: Wrap Administrator, Video, Rapid Application Development

    Andy Armstrong is the Chief Wrap Creator at Hitachi's Ashford Train Depot. Andy knows everything there is to know about overhauling the high speed class 395 trains. When Andy set about building his Wraps he did so knowing this complex process intimately. Whilst the process is complicated … more

  • Our Unique Selling Point

    Tags: Rapid Application Development

    Uniquely we use Excel as an app development tool because everybody has a copy and everybody can use it. You can set out your app in Excel exactly as you want your users to see it. You can fully test your app in Excel to ensure that everything is working in all circumstances. When you pass your … more

  • Getting Started with ExcelWraps

    Tags: Rapid Application Development, Competence

    Your Subdomain and Users - The first thing to realise is that Wraps are accessed through your own ExcelWraps subdomain. You’ll become administrator of your subdomain and set up your users with at least one ‘role’. For example Unipart roles link to their competence management system (Production … more

  • RIP Paperwork

    Tags: Wrap Creator, Rapid Application Development, Competence, Document Management

    ExcelWraps replaces all paper records at Unipart

    A quantum leap for the Hitachi 395 bogie overhaul as paper is superseded by Wraps. Now information is immediately available through the cloud and shared across Unipart, with its clients and its subcontractors. Bogie overhaul consists of 20 main … more