About XLW Subdomain

Tags: Help, XLW, Definitions, Roles

Note: This page has been replaced by an updated and extended help page for WrapCreator at https://help.excelwraps.com/support/online-help/help-for-the-account-tab/

Your Excel subdomain contains information about users, user roles, wrap definitions and their unique keys and wrap group permissions. By downloading an XLW Package from your site and installing into XLW Excel will know all about your site and how it is setup. This allows us to configure other XLW tools using information about your site so that you can easily create wraps for your site inside Excel. You can also set a specific user role to help with debugging your wrap in Excel. 'Open User Report' creates a spreadsheet of all your users, their roles and their WorkGroups; it is very useful for periodic user reviews. Changes to use role and WorkGroups can be done via Dashboard>Users or directly modify the spreadsheet User Report and ask for the assistance of a MoreVision Administrator to import the spreadsheet into your WrapSite.