Auto Number

Tags: Help, XLW, Unique Keys

Note: This page has been replaced by an updated and extended help page for WrapCreator at

Auto Number Control will create a sequential integer to index a new wrap instance. XLW's AutoNumber() function is inserted in the active cell. You will be guided to add a Holder Cell in an adjacent cell to set a dummy value for debugging in Excel.

REMEMBER: It automatically becomes the last unique key and only one autonumber is allowed per wrap.

All wraps with autonumbers have navigation buttons (first, previous, ID number, next, last and new wrap instance).

WrapLinks Used with AutoNumbers - AutoNumbers create an automatic indexing cell on a wrap instance. They always form the final part of the unique key combination. There are some special keywords for AutoNumbers that can be used in WrapLinks.

  1. 'First' - this will go to the lowest AutoNumber.
  2. 'Last' - this will go to the highest AutoNumber.
  3. '*' - this will create a link to a new AutoNumber, it will take the value 'Last' + 1.