Presenting Your Wraps

Tags: Help

ExcelWraps give you the ability to create online forms (wraps) for your business. We encourage you to fully personalise your wraps using the tips below.

Make Use of the Excel's Show/Hide Features

When creating a wrap extra data, such as number ranges, is required but the user does not need to see it. This data can be placed on a hidden tab. Alternatively make use of the hide row/columns feature. Highlighting these rows/columns in highlighter yellow as a reminder to hide them before conversion to a wrap.

Make Use of XLW's Show/Hide Row Widgets

Areas of the work sheet can be hidden or shown dynamically in response to logic in Excel formulas.

Give Your Users Feedback

To help users of your wrap navigate and use wraps we often use tick/cross features. "" can be used next to input cells to show when information/data needs to be inputted. "" convert into "when data has been successfully inputted using an IF function eg: =IF(Q25<>"","","").  It tells users that they are completing the wrap correctly.

Use Excel's Themes for a Consistent Appearance

To help achieve uniformity across your wraps you we will give you a colour and font schemes specific to your organisation (see Excel>Page Layout>...). Colour coding can also be used to aid the creation and use of wraps. We recommend shading input cells with the same colour so they can be easily identified by the wrap user.

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