Site Management

Tags: Help, Administration

Note: This page has been replaced. Please continue to the updated and extended help page at

Business and Corporate users assigned the role 'AdminTenant' have full access to standard website controls:

  • New>Page - Create a new web page using the online HTML WYSIWYG editor. You may wish to add content item access controls to the page. This adds permissions to each user role (to view the page or to allow page editing for example).
  • Content - List out all the site content (generally just web pages).
  • Blog - Create new blogs and add blog posts. Blogs are simply a collection of web pages (blog posts) covering a particular subject area displayed in chronological order. Each website comes pre-configured with a 'Site News' blog. Create a new blog post to add the latest news item.
  • Comments - Every webpage and blog post has allows users to leave comments. As 'AdminTenant' you may want to edit or delete them.
  • Media - Manage site media (pictures, text documents or any other type of file). Media can be organised in folders and may be added to any content item (web pages, blog posts or wraps).
  • Navigation - Add new menu items, change the order of menu items etc.
  • Tags - Tags are appended to site content to help users find related content. For example this page has a tag called 'help' and another called 'Administration', they appear just under the page title. If you click the 'help' tag all other content items tagged with 'help' will be displayed.
  • ExcelWraps - Each Wrap installed on the site is listed under the 'Definitions' tab. Each Wrap belongs to a Group which is simply a set of Wrap permissions for each user 'Role'. The 'Groups' tab allows you to manage Wrap Groups. 'XLW Package' tab it used to download site information which is read by our XLW addin software. The XLW Package syncs Excel to your website and should be updated periodically.
  • Users - Manage users and create WorkGroups. Users placed into Workgroups can be managed by a user with the role 'AdminWorkGroup' from the front end of the site. This allows 'AdminTenants' to devolve user management to responsible people within the WorkGroup.

Initially the site will be configured to access the controls above but these are only a few controls of a powerful content management system. Occasionally 'AdminTenants' may require access less commonly used website controls including Modules, Site Settings, Themes, WorkFlows, Import/Export, Spam Controls, Custom Forms, Queries, Content Definition, Widgets, Tenants and Reports. Permission to access these features can be set on the Site Dashboard Users>Roles>AdminTenant.