Pill for ERP Headaches?

Tags: ERP, Rapid Application Development

Research shows that the top problems encountered with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software are cost and inflexibility. ERP systems are generally imposed from a corporate level and become an immovable constraint on the whole business. ExcelWraps, only requiring users to know Excel, puts software design in the hands of the people at the cutting face of the business. It leaves them free to optimise their process and the software which captures their data. A migration script delivers the results to the ERP system.

  • Cost is a critical issueJust under a third (30 percent) of respondents complained that their ERP system and business management software is costly to upgrade, with 22 percent saying that it is costly to maintain. To ensure that the software is fit for purpose, 20 percent of respondents said they had to bring in expensive outside help to make modifications and 12 percent said they had to buy expensive add-ons.
  • Rigidity hampers implementation and acceptance: One fifth (20 percent) of respondents said that their ERP system is inflexible and cannot adapt to meet changing business needs. According to 12 percent, their organization had no choice but to change its business processes to fit the software. More than half (58 percent) of respondents said that ERP projects fail because the software fails to match their business processes.
  • Underperformance undermines everythingJust under a fifth (18 percent) of respondents said they were unable to extract all the information they needed from the system, with 7 percent commenting that the information they could extract was not accurate and 12 percent saying that it was impossible to get a single view of all their data. Over a third (37 percent) of respondents said the software is just not fit for purpose.
  • Lack of trust: 61 percent of the companies surveyed using at least one of the three most well known brands, SAGE, SAP and Microsoft Dynamics were experiencing problems with their provider causing a lack of trust. Upgrade costs have driven this trust issue. 

Put simply, the research found that existing ERP and business management software packages are just not meeting the needs of customers. ExcelWraps soothes your ERP headaches providing a flexible rapid response tool to reach every part of the business however bespoke its requirements may be. 

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