If I could turn back time!

"If I could turn back time!" - we don't make a song and dance about this you can look down a time line and rollback time using wraps:

  1. View a wrap timeline - every time a wrap instance is signed we take a pdf copy of the wrap this locks down a permanent record of the wrap at the time of signing. Each pdf has a time stamp and you can click though each one to see changes with time and who did what. This is perhaps the simplest way to view history. More details...
  2. Roll back individual Wraps - works completely independently to the wrapsite database and it allows you to turn back time and restore all instances of any wrap to any point in time. Client administrators can do this for them selves. More details...
  3. Track how Wrap design changes with time - Version history of all wraps - every time you upload a new wrap to the site we keep a copy of the installation package (including the Excel source file and the Wrap data structure map). WrapCreator allows the creator to log of changes he makes but comparison of any two installation file generates a very detailed listing of changes between version (diff tools make this very easy to do).
  4. Roll back old designs of Wrap - We can also roll back to previous versions of the wrap if this is required.
  5. Roll back with database incremental backups - is constantly performing incremental backups which allows us to turn back time and restore all wrapsite instances to any point in time. ExcelWraps administrators can do this at the request of clients. More details...
  6. Roll back with database full backups - Backups are taken daily and retained for 7 days. Backups include both SQL data and site content. Backups are not held in the same site as the server but on a geographically different server centre. The backup encryption is AES-256. 
At ExcelWraps we have put a lot of time and effort to make sure you are in control of your data. You can view down the time line and provide you with tools to view the timeline and roll back

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