WabtecRail.ExcelWraps.com Opens
We are delighted to announce that Wabtec have embraced ExcelWraps technology and on the 6th June 2016 their sub-domain opened for business. This site will deploy wraps to capture data for Wabtec Rail's overhaul business. All shop floor paper work will be replaced with electronic forms gathering data and signatures, providing quick links to the relevant section the overhaul specification and managing arising work (including sending appropriate notifications automatically). As wrap data fills the cloud database, Gantt charts and progress reports are immediately available to the project management team. Wraps are used within the organisation and out to their clients and suppliers.
Wabtec staff have responded well to the challenge and Mark IV overhauls wraps will be live before the end of June, which puts us well ahead of the schedule promised in our first three initiative. It has already spawned new initiatives to manage calibrated equipment, co-ordinate client communications and assist in project planning. It is early days but wraps allows Wabtec to deliver unprecedented levels of co-ordination in the Railway Industry.