Wrap Input

Tags: Help, XLW

Note: This page has been replaced by an updated and extended help page for WrapCreator at https://help.excelwraps.com/support/online-help/help-the-ribbon-menu-in-excel/

Any unlocked cell becomes a wrap input cell. The toolbar button becomes clear when an input cell is selected and shaded when it is not. Click on the button to make the cell an input cell.


Cells that are empty can contain any value (numbers and text). If the cell is not empty this will be the default value when the wrap first loads (it may be subsequently edited).

Cells containing TRUE or FALSE become checkboxes in the Wrap.

Cells with a date format produces a calendar selector in the wrap.

Cells with data validation lists become dropdown lists in the wrap (note: items in the list must be static values and not contain cell formulas).

REMEMBER: Use a Holder Cell to hold a dummy input value to allow debugging in Excel - it will save you having to repeatedly reset the input values before wrap conversion.