Edit Locking

Tags: Help, Administration, Definitions

Note: This page has been replaced. Please continue to the updated and extended help page at https://help.excelwraps.com/support/online-help/help-the-excelwraps-page/.

The ExcelWraps system is designed so that two people never have to open the same wrap instance at the same time. Were this to happen inadvertently there are edit locks settings to keep the data they hold in tact. Edit locking settings are:

1) None - indicates that no edit locking controls will be use. In this case pressing the submit button simply overwrites existing data in the database. This is generally not recommended.

2) Optimistic Locking - Imagine 'UserOne' and 'UserTwo' have opened the same wrap instance at the same time. 'UserOne' submits the data to the database. When 'UserTwo' submits he is sent an error message saying "'UserOne' has updated the database since the time you opened yours". 'UserTwo' can seek out 'UserOne' to resolve the problem. This is usually the site default setting and works well under most circumstances.

3) Pessimistic Locking - This strictly enforces that one user holding the edit lock can submit data to the database. Users must first use the 'Request Edit Lock' button before they can submit data to the database and must use the 'Release Edit Lock' button to allow other users to take the edit lock. Site administrators have the option to use a 'Seize Edit Lock' button. Pessimistic locking is safer but relies on users releasing the lock when they have finished with the wrap. When this is not done it places a burden on site administrators to 'Seize Edit Locks' and then 'Release Edit Lock'.

Site Default Locking - This is set by system administrators (Dashboard> Settings> ExcelWraps) and it may be changed at any time. Wrap creators set the edit locking preference using the Wrap Properties button in XLC. You may select Site Default, None, Optimistic or Pessimistic.

Note: Generally 'site default' is selected during wrap creation in Excel and generally the site default is set to 'optimistic' locking.