
Tags: Help, XLW, Unique Keys

Note: This page has been replaced by an updated and extended help page for WrapCreator at https://help.excelwraps.com/support/online-help/help-the-wraplinkaggregate-widget/

WrapLinkAggregate functions operate on cell values over a number of instances to compute a SUM or an AVERAGE or similar aggregate function. The XLW WRAPLINKAGGREGATE() function is inserted into the cell.

NOTE: Download XLW Package using 'About XLW Subdomain' button. This should be updated periodically to sync XLW with your site contents.

REMEMBER: Use a Holder Cell if you intend to use the value in forward calculations. The WrapLinkAggregate cell formula calculates a string defining what information needs to be extracted from the cloud database and the holder cell is where the server will put the value.

The WrapLinkAggregate Formula Builder Form requires that all but one unique key is specified. The aggregate function is performed on all instances of the unspecified unique key. In this case it will be a aggregate function on wrap instances where mileage=1000000 and car=DTPS1 and unit number is (395001, 395002, 395003 ...etc). The following cell formula is inserted in the cell.


This can be edited to include Excel formulas e.g. if the mileage is in cell A1 and the car type is in A2 we could use the following formula to create a dynamic WRAPLINKAGGREGATE function linked to the Wrap calculation.


The Cell type is used to specify how the cell value will be handled and the format specifier is used to say how the calculated value will be displayed. The format specifier is the same as Microsoft C# format specifiers. The following aggregate functions are available: SUM, MAX, MIN, AVERAGE, COUNT, COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, ABSMAX, ABSMIN and CONCATENATE. Aggregate functions conform to Excel function names. Obviously it makes no sense to SUM a number of cell values which have a cell type of 'string' so some care is required when using WrapLinkAggregate functions. The following cell types are available: .string, .int, .double, .percent, .date, .time, .datetime, .sig-detail, .sig-summary, .sig-datetime, .sig-date, .sig-time, .sig-username, .sig-firstname, .sig-lastname, .sig-nickname, .sig-company and .sig-location. Cell types descriptors are in common use with many computing languages but the prefix 'sig-' means that the value will be extracted from a wrap signature cell from which many types of information can be extracted.

WrapLinkAggregate can be restricted to live wrap instances by appending &state=live e.g.


WrapLinkAggregate can be restricted to the last autonumber instance by appending &autonumber=max e.g.


The WrapLinkAggregate Builder Form requires that all but one unique key is specified but the WRAPLINKAGGREGATE() function is more powerful that that. Using the example above we can modify the function to extend the range of aggregation. So we can remove the &car=DPTS1 from the formula so that the aggregation takes place over all cars not only car DPTS1.


WrapLinkAggregates Never Update Frozen Wraps - Once a freeze signature is signed then Wraplinks, WraplinkLists and WrapLinkAggregates will not update. This is so that the loaded wrap always reflects the condition when the freeze signature was signed.