Contents tagged with MyWraps

  • MyWraps Reports

    Tags: Help, MyWraps, Definitions

    Note: This page has been replaced. Please continue to the updated and extended help page at reports looks at wrap cell values over all available wrap instances to plot in live charts or in tables. Switching between chart … more

  • WrapMaps And MyWraps Reports Demo

    Tags: WrapMap, MyWraps, Video

    A short video demonstration of what can be achieved using technology. You'll see WrapLinks, DigitalSignatures, WrapMedia all working together to send live information across a project. MyWraps reports shows what wraps are currently awaiting your signature and also used to extract … more

  • The Life Cycle of a Wrap Instance

    Tags: MyWraps

    Like all things wrap instances are created, they live and they die. When a wrap instance is created it remembers which user created it. At any time in its life it will be waiting for signatures from users with a specific user role (or indeed specific username). The final wrap signature includes the … more