ExcelWraps Competency Model

Tags: Competence

“The most incompetent you can be is when you don’t know you need to be competent”. Let's consider organisational competency and examine how ExcelWraps seamlessly imposes competency management on your operation. 

  • Operation – Performing a series of acts involved in delivering a benefit to end users. An operation may span a number of organisations.
  • Operational Risk - Any operation can go wrong and the consequences may be unwelcome, annoying, disastrous, tragic or catastrophic.
  • Competence – We diminish operational risk by ensuring that people are competent. 
  • Role – A competent person can be given a role in your operation (e.g. mechanical operative, electrical operative, supervisor, manager etc.).
  • Competence Validation – This is how we show that people are competent, this may be through formal certification or informal peer assessment. Often periodic re-validation is required as a refresher or to keep up to date with change.

So How is This Achieved in ExcelWraps?

Each ExcelWraps user is assigned a role based on their competence. Many users may belong to a single role but they may have a number of roles depending upon their competence. Roles are known as soon as a user logs in. The following ExcelWraps controls ensure that only competent people can complete work.

  • Wrap Permissions - Specific roles are required to open Wraps and also to access the information that the wrap has stored in the cloud.
  • Digital Signatures - Specific roles are required to sign.
  • Conditional Inputs - Specific roles are required to complete particular input boxes. 
  • Competence Validation Wraps - Competence specialists can write a Competence Validation Wrap using Excel. They are on-line examination papers. They may be marked by an examiner or it may be a self marking multiple choice assessment (this is easily written using spreadsheet logic).  
  • Peer Assessment Wraps - This may be a very simple Wrap to allow senior staff to sign off junior staff as competent.
  • Competence Audits - This is often required for safety critical operations. Evidence is provided using Competence Validation Wraps and Peer Assessment Wraps.
  • Notification Wraps - This will ask for all users belonging to a particular role to individually sign to acknowledge a change. 
  • User and User Role Lists - In a large operation you may not know who holds what competence. ExcelWraps displays this information in Excel as a filtered list.

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