
We provide cloud data solutions for the railway industry covering overhaul, arising work, equipment management and maintenance. Our data collection forms have built-in competence management which means only qualified people can complete tasks so that trains are safe and  reliable. All data is readily available in reports, we even produce Gantt charts to monitor improvements in a process. Our technology creates custom applications but requires no IT specialists skills. Our clients are Eversholt, Hitachi, Siemens, Bombardier, Wabtec and Brush Traction and, as we extend down their supply lines over the internet, we have a very broad reach in the railway industry. We are expert partners for our clients adapting off the shelf solutions so that the railway industry solves problems more efficiently and effectively.

Contact us for further information, we can readily share our screens through a browser to give a real time demonstration of our technology or browse through the articles below for more information. Sign up to our mailing list to keep up to speed with the latest developments. Select articles about our solutions, our technology, what it delivers for our clients and news about ExcelWraps.

  • The Simple Bolt is Surprisingly Complex

    Tags: BoltExpert

    Close to 100% of railway depot staff have found a bolt that is inexplicably loose or missing altogether yet few engineer have enough bolting knowledge to suggest corrective actions with confidence.  All Hitachi depot workers attend our “Appreciation of Bolting” training. They are in closest contact … more

  • How to Avoid Derailment

    Tags: Railway Vehicle Levelling and Balancing

    It comes as no surprise that an unloaded vehicle derails easily as derailment is driven by lateral curving loads that drive the wheel up and over the rail against the vertical load pushing the wheels onto the track. Viewing the Crash in Santiago de Compostela in Spain 2013 it is clear that the … more

  • Our Unique Selling Point

    Tags: Rapid Application Development

    Uniquely we use Excel as an app development tool because everybody has a copy and everybody can use it. You can set out your app in Excel exactly as you want your users to see it. You can fully test your app in Excel to ensure that everything is working in all circumstances. When you pass your … more

  • Getting Started with ExcelWraps

    Tags: Rapid Application Development, Competence

    Your Subdomain and Users - The first thing to realise is that Wraps are accessed through your own ExcelWraps subdomain. You’ll become administrator of your subdomain and set up your users with at least one ‘role’. For example Unipart roles link to their competence management system (Production … more

  • RIP Paperwork

    Tags: Wrap Creator, Rapid Application Development, Competence, Document Management

    ExcelWraps replaces all paper records at Unipart

    A quantum leap for the Hitachi 395 bogie overhaul as paper is superseded by Wraps. Now information is immediately available through the cloud and shared across Unipart, with its clients and its subcontractors. Bogie overhaul consists of 20 main … more