
We provide cloud data solutions for the railway industry covering overhaul, arising work, equipment management and maintenance. Our data collection forms have built-in competence management which means only qualified people can complete tasks so that trains are safe and  reliable. All data is readily available in reports, we even produce Gantt charts to monitor improvements in a process. Our technology creates custom applications but requires no IT specialists skills. Our clients are Eversholt, Hitachi, Siemens, Bombardier, Wabtec and Brush Traction and, as we extend down their supply lines over the internet, we have a very broad reach in the railway industry. We are expert partners for our clients adapting off the shelf solutions so that the railway industry solves problems more efficiently and effectively.

Contact us for further information, we can readily share our screens through a browser to give a real time demonstration of our technology or browse through the articles below for more information. Sign up to our mailing list to keep up to speed with the latest developments. Select articles about our solutions, our technology, what it delivers for our clients and news about ExcelWraps.

  • Wabtec Take Control of Uncontrolled Documents

    Tags: Solutions

    A controlled document is a reference document which, through the course of its lifecycle may be reviewed, modified and distributed several times. Examples of a controlled document include technical drawings, specifications, procedures, data sheets, contracts, application forms and plans. A … more

  • A 12 Fold Increase in Productivity in Under An Hour!

    Tags: Technology

    Our 15 minute Demo Video explains what ExcelWraps is and that you need no IT infrastructure or expertise to introduce it. The next 15 minutes covers Wrap Creation drawing on your existing Excel skills. Delivery across your organisation using your own Wrapsite is explained in 20 minutes. In the … more

  • Secure in the Safe Hands of ExcelWraps

    Tags: Technology

    Who can access our data? How is our privacy protected? How are we protected against hackers? Is our wrapsite always available to guarantee business continuity? Can we recover from any scenario no matter how unlikely? ExcelWraps operate a framework of ISO 27001 compliant security policies and … more

  • Versatile Rapid Application Development

    Tags: Technology

    ExcelWraps is the fastest way to make your business paperless... all you need to know is Excel, we do the rest. It is extremely versatile as demonstrated by sample projects listed below. Given our history, the majority of projects are UK railway industry related but increasingly we provide … more

  • Time And Motion

    Tags: Technology

    Time and motion is a widely accepted method applicable to the improvement and upgrading of work systems. This integrated approach to work system improvement is known as methods engineering and it is applied today to industrial as well as service organisations. Traditionally time and motion data is  … more

  • A No Brainer Go Paperless

    Tags: Technology

    As a rule of thumb office supplies cost between £13 to £64 per person per month depending on factors like industry and the nature of the business, as well as organisational size, culture and policies (source LAC Group). This can be compared directly to ExcelWraps pricing between £7 to £20 per user … more

  • C4 Overhaul Wrapped in a Day!

    Tags: Solutions, Clients

    We put our ‘Matrix and Morph’ technique to the test last week to demonstrate just how quickly wraps can be implemented in any business. Wraps collect the necessary serial numbers and engineering data so that railway jobs can be signed off with a digital signature. Just one day was required to make … more

  • WabtecRail.ExcelWraps.com Opens

    Tags: Clients

    We are delighted to announce that Wabtec have embraced ExcelWraps technology and on the 6th June 2016 their sub-domain opened for business. This site will deploy wraps to capture data for Wabtec Rail's overhaul business. All shop floor paper work will be replaced with electronic forms gathering … more

  • Project Management and Hot Air

    Tags: Technology

    A woman was in a hot air balloon. She spotted someone below and lowered closer to the ground to get his attention. She shouted, "Hey, I don't know where I am. Can you help me?" The man responded, "You are in a hot air balloon. You're about twenty feet above the ground, three miles east of the … more

  • Demo Expert Knowledge Wrap

    Tags: Solutions

    Bolted joints are one of the most common elements in construction and machine design yet most engineers have bolt problems at some point in their career. Try the fully working BoltExpert demo, it is restricted to the use of M8 and M12, but it illustrates how expert knowledge can be captured in a … more